devised performance / Počemučka
Sound Installation / Ivan Loboda, Rina Pleteršek
devised performance / REAKTOR collective
novel in landscape / Natalija Vujošević, Tara Langford, Neja Tomšič
theatre - dance performance / coproduction: Anton Podbevšek Teater and Gledališče Glej
Master's production of Stage acting, Art of speech study programme / Jan Slapar / produced by the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television of UL and Gledališče Glej
performance / Lučka Centa
visual performance storytelling / Ana Čavić
devised performance / Uroš Kaurin and Vito Weis / partners: Moment in Gledališče Glej
documentary performative / Nina Goropečnik, Đejmi Hadrović, Katja Markič
documentary-drama performance / Bor Ravbar
devised performance / Marko Čeh / based on F. M. Dostoevsky's The Idiot
light installation / Marko Čeh and Stran22
performative installation / Lučka Centa, Urška Preis and Tery Žeželj
documentary performance / Maxime Berthou, Davis Freeman, Mark Požlep
An Epic Solo Horror Musical in Three Acts / Bence Mezei
cinematographic essay and artist talk
Dorian Šilec Petek / author opus, part one
Juš Zidar
devised performance / Počemučka
interactive performance / installation
devised preformance / The Affluent Drag Ensemble collective with co-workers
devised project / Leja Jurišić and Miklavž Komelj
devised performance / Matej Recer and Gregor Zorc
devised performance
devised theatre
performative installation / based on E. Toller's Hinkemann
devised performance / Jaša Koceli
residents / Tin Grabnar, Hana Vodeb
documentary performance / Mark Požlep
residents / Tin Grabnar, Hana Vodeb
based on the Epic of Gilgamesh / Tjaša Črnigoj
real-time performance
devised theatre / Brodar, Novak, Stegnar
devised performance / Neja Tomšič
Based on Samuel Beckett / Dejan Spasić
devised theatre / Urška Brodar, Eva Nina Lampič
documentary performance / Mark Požlep
Based on F. M. Dostoyevsky / Tatjana Peršuh
devised performance / Miha Golob, Maruša Majer, Maja Šorli
Based on Jean-Claude Carrière / Nina Rajić Kranjac
devised performance / Urška Brodar, Jure Novak, Katarina Stegnar
devised performance / Sebastjan Starič, Borut Bučinel, Marko Bratuš
devised performance / Urška Brodar, Jure Novak, Katarina Stegnar
based on the novel by Goran Vojnović
project presentation and discussion / Neja Tomšič, Tara Langford, Natalija Vujošević
research-theatre project / Tatjana Peršuh and Boštjan Narat
TRIGGER workshop / production: TRIGGER, Motovila, Umanotera