devised performance
»If Kurdistan does not exist, do I? If Yugoslavia is dead, am I alive?«

About the performance
If Kurdistan does not exist, do I? If Yugoslavia is dead, am I alive?
Three individuals, a writer, a director and an actress come together to work on a performance about Yugoslavia and Kurdistan.
As they try to collaborate on the project, it becomes evident that each of them follows their own agenda. Now, they are faced with the obstacles of navigating through their differences in their personalities, political opinions and their approache to theatre. Will the performers be able to work together, regardless of their different trajectories and interests?
Can you care about a fight that is not your own? Can you make your voice be heard while giving space to others? Can you connect to one another, regardless of the differences? Is connection even possible or is collaboration only a fiction?
The performance »Potential States« shows a transnational european performance in the making. By unfolding the variety of dynamics and circumstances that influence artwork, it reflects not only on states, borders and collective narratives but shows parallels between personal and geopolitical realities.
Performance is in English. Slovenian abstracts are available.
Concept: Eva Nina Lampič and Beliban zu Stolberg
Devised and performed by: Barbara Kukovec (Maribor, Ljubljana) Eva Nina Lampič, Beliban zu Stolberg, Linda Vaher (Berlin)
Stage design and documentation: Dani Modrej
Sound design: Aleš Zorec
Dramaturgical advisor: Fabian Löwenbrück
Production: Nika Bezeljak (Moment), Barbara Poček (Glej Theatre), Tina Pfurr (Ballhaus Ost)
Production management: Anna Mareike Holtz (ehrliche arbeit)
Thanks to: Jerko Bakotin, Boris Buden, Gülistan Gübrey, Gal Kirn, Erik Valenčič, Mitja Velikonja
Premiere performance dates:
18/19 September Intimate Stage GT22 (Moment), Maribor, Slovenia
23/24 September Glej Theatre, Ljubljana, Slovenia
10/11 October Ballhaus Ost
Support: Ministry of Culture (Republic of Slovenia), Municipality of Maribor, Municipality of Ljubljana, Szenewechselförderung der Robert Bosch Stiftung (Germany)

Podcast Maribor Is the Future: Intimni - Potential States
ljubljanska premiera / Glej, in English: predstava je v angleščini, na voljo slovenski povzetki