devised performance / Urška Brodar, Jure Novak, Katarina Stegnar
“The witty performance with autobiographical traces /.../ thoroughly and uncompromisingly strips any left over remnants of the romantic fiction of theatre success.”

About the performance
Katarina on demand is part two of a trilogy, begun with the successful 2011 research performance Jure Novak: Reasons to be cheerful by authors Urška Brodar, dramaturg, Katarina Stegnar, actress and Jure Novak, director. One of the principles of our collaboration is that regardless of our primary theatric vocations, we will gradually all act as performers. Thus, in this second part of the trilogy, entitled Katarina on demand, it is Katarina Stegnar and Jure Novak who take the stage. Just as in Reasons, we again focus on the issues of staging: the bounds of fiction and reality.
Our point of origin is the relationship between an actress and a director, attempting to stage Durrenmatt’s The Assignment. If in Reasons the main theme was depression, Katarina focuses on aggression in all its interpretations, on both the fictional and the actual relationships between the actress and the director.
Authors: Katarina Stegnar, Urška Brodar, Jure Novak
Performed by: Katarina Stegnar, Jure Novak
Production: Glej Theatre
Co-production: Zavod Poza