performative installation / Lučka Centa, Urška Preis and Tery Žeželj

Area of Weaved Space is a gathering to collectively weave a space out of which a temporary community emerges and practice a different kind of attention. It emerges from a newly established community of three women artists who do not engage in the creative process through clearly defined functions, but share and reverse all the necessary functions and responsibilities, thus continuously learning and un-learning from each other and together methods of work and collaboration.
The loop in which we find ourselves has prompted reflection on the understanding and importance of progress as something that is a product of patriarchal capitalist society. It measures time and activities linearly and constantly looks forward. Because of its linear understanding of time and space, society unconsciously creates a destructive cycle of action. To understand the cycle as a mode of collective action, the artists turned to the observation of cyclical, repetitive, care-based work, which throughout the history of patriarchy has always been overlooked and attributed to the female gender as something gendered as natural and therefore inferior. We assume that it is through these diverse caring practices that we can find an alternative to the contemporary capitalist system.

Authors: Lučka Centa, Urška Preis, Tery Žeželj
Co-creators of the Content: Büşra Albayrak, Serhat Gücüm and Robin Krijgsman
Coaches: Anja Pirnat, Marko Čeh
Coaching Support: Branko Jordan, Barbara Poček
Light Design: Žan Rantaša
Sound Design: Samo Dernovšek
Video: Borut Bučinel
Foto: Marijo Zupanov, Serhat Gücüm
Technical Supervision: Grega Mohorčič
Technical Support: Brina Ivanetič, Žan Rantaša, Samo Dernovšek
Creative and Executive Production: Anja Pirnat
Public Relations: Tjaša Pureber (until Autumn 2022), Tina Malenšek and Andrej Pervanje (after Autumn 2022)
Production: Gledališče Glej
Supported by: Ministry of Culture of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana and JSKD - Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities
Area of Weaved Space was produced in the framework of the international project Boundary Crossing 2022 and brought together three artists with remarkably diverse backgrounds and experiences, who have never worked together before. The creative process was triggered by a reflection on the myth that art should be critical, progressive and avant-garde, and the realization that an attempt to reject the myth is always already a critique. The status and power of critique in contemporary society is reduced to that of a product and coincides with the tendency towards constant production.
premiera / v okviru projekta Boundary Crossing 2022 / razprodano