devised performance / Počemučka

"How to survive in a world of excess?"


25. January 2025 /Stara mestna elektrarna - Elektro Ljubljana, Slomškova ulica 18 /

ljubljanska premiera / produkcija: Glej, APT / korodukcija s prostorom: Bunker / RAZPRODANO

07. February 2025 /Anton Podbevšek Teater /

avtorska predstava / produkcija: Gledališče Glej in Anton Podbevšek Teater


© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj
© Janez Štrukelj

About the Performance

150 BPM is a musical-theatrical lecture with a heartbeat. At its core, both symbolically and literally, lies the theme of skin — a sensory organ, canvas, and boundary of the body — used as a lens to explore contemporary issues, including the overflow of external stimuli, fleeting information, and imagery.
Rather than providing answers to the questions it raises, the lecture subverts them into an obsession. It counters the monopoly of the visual in the (Western) world with a haptic balance, starting with the performers’ bodies, which serve as focal points of the political, public, and intimate spheres. Skin is no longer a boundary but a passage between the imaginary interior and the real exterior, with sweat as the most obvious link between the two.
Where does the body begin and end? If skin is the most important sensory organ and crucial for socialization, it can be seen as the foundation of community. Going a step further, we can recognize our reflection in the “inanimate” world: in the 40,000 dead skin cells shed every minute, which turn into dust.
The unstoppable and contagious rhythm of 150 beats per minute strives for liberation — not a verbalized statement, but an embodied need to move, a celebration of the body in motion, an attempt to form a communal body and to feel a shared pulse. How do we understand a body that continuously seeks to surpass its limits and porously merge with its surroundings? How can we use a suffocatingly saturated environment to benefit the pulsating body? And finally, what kind of skin would we give to the communal body?

The performance is 60 minutes long.


© Marijo Zupanov
© Marijo Zupanov
© Marijo Zupanov
© Marijo Zupanov
© Marijo Zupanov
© Marijo Zupanov
© Marijo Zupanov


Authors: Počemučka / Aljoša Lovrić Krapež, Klemen Kovačič, Filip Mramor, Domen Novak, Pedro Gramegna Ardiles, Karolína Kotrbová
Performers: Aljoša Lovrić Krapež, Klemen Kovačič, Filip Mramor, Domen Novak
Dramaturgy: Pedro Gramegna Ardiles
Set and costume design: Karolína Kotrbová
Lighting design: Pedro Gramegna Ardiles
Selection of music and sound design: Aljoša Lovrić Krapež 
Directed by: Aljoša Lovrić Krapež, Klemen Kovačič, Filip Mramor, Domen Novak
Voice on the recording: Hana Bučinel Vrbnjak
Acknowledgments: Martin Podrzavnik, David Ficek, Tina Vrbnjak, Borut Bučinel

Photo: Marijo Zupanov
Video: Borut Bučinel
Editors of Glej, Paper: Iva Štefanija Slosar and Tery Žeželj
Graphic design of Glej, Poster, and Glej, Paper: Grupa Ee / Mina Fina, Ivian Kan Mujezinović, Eva Bevec
Technical management:Grega Mohorčič, Simon Žižek
Technical support: Bert Prelec, Brina Ivanetič, Samo Dernovšek, Andrej Petrovčič, Duško Pušica, Maj Pušica
Creative and executive production: Anja Pirnat, Barbara Zonta, Andrej Berger
PR: Tina Malenšek, Paulina Pia Rogač

Co-produced by: Glej Theater and Anton Podbevšek Theater
Co-production with space: Bunker
Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Ljubljana, Municipality of Novo Mesto
General sponsor of APT: Krka, d. d., Novo mesto

About the Collective

Počemučka is a theatre collective founded by Aljoša Lovrić Krapež, Domen Novak, Filip Mramor, and Klemen Kovačič, who began their collaboration during their studies in 2019. The group gained wider recognition with their performance Under Construction (2021, Gledališče Glej), which earned them a special jury award at the 52nd Week of Slovenian Drama and multiple awards at the 12th Biennial of Slovenian Puppetry Artists. In their work, the collective questions traditional theatrical structures and explores contemporary theatrical approaches, combining elements of text-based, physical, and object theatre.

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