Youth devised performance / Resistance! = Youth Festival of Modern European History

About the performance
The show is an omnibus of rebellions. From the most banal to the great and critical in the context of the
former Yugoslavia. It is full of both rebels and those who do not rebel. And also those who resist so much
that the rebellion no longer makes sense. Or more simply, it shows that you really are what you eat -
literally and metaphorically.
Authors and performers: Ajda Gramc, Anika Katušić Kocbek, Iza Lesjak, Zigi Omerzel, Laura Prajs, Eva Remi Reponj, Tia Rozman, Elis Seyto, Maruša Freya Voglar
Mentorship: Anja Pirnat, Tatjana Peršuh, Isa Gardien
Movement consultant: Nina Pertot Weis
Photography: Marijo Zupanov
Video: Boštjan Božič
Executive production: Tina Malenšek
Produkction: Gledališče Glej

About the project
Resistance! Youth festival of Modern European History is an international project bringing together young people from six countries: the Czech Republic, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Slovenia. In most Member States of the European Union, the teaching of history in the formal education system is predominantly focused on national, if not patriotic, historical narratives. The result of this approach is that young people lack knowledge of the broader, transnational and common European history.
Resistance aims to foster a common culture of remembrance, mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue among young people from the six EU countries by commemorating important historical turning points and political changes in the 20th Century. The theme on which the young people from Slovenia are focusing is the break-up of Yugoslavia.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission, programme CERV - Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

v okviru festivala Mladost v jeseni / FuN! in the Fall