What is Boundary Crossing?
Boundary Crossing - crossing of borders - will take place on four occasions in 2024, this year dedicated to the concept of artistic research. The tentative theme of the research will be decided in advance, taking into account the intersections and interests of the participants.
During the process you will work with international mentors and participants who bring different social, cultural, and artistic contexts to the process. You will learn about different perspectives and methodologies to the research process (contextual research, working with target groups, or territories).
The programme transcends both geographical and theatrical boundaries, questioning established practices, working methods, and the process of making itself. With this laboratory we want to offer the creators the possibility to develop their own theatre practice through actions in an international context. All participants will learn to develop and critically evaluate their work through diverse perspectives, working relationships, cultures and roles.
Boundary Crossing 2023
At the beginning of September, we launched the new season of the international education programme that brings together Glej Theatre and two renowned art universities - HKU in Utrecht and Kadir Has in Istanbul. The programme consists of a combination of lectures, evaluations, talks and creative work in the space and will run until the end of Oktober 2024.
The aim of the programme is to offer a quality educational process that is challenging due to its methodology: working in an (international) collective, working in a multilingual space and interdisciplinary creativity. The three separate performance works that will result from this project can be a potential source of further dialogue between the participants.
We received many high quality applications to the open call in this year's programme. The chosen Boundary Crossing 2024 programme makers are:
- Ivan Laboda
- Rina Pleteršek

Ivan Laboda is completing his master’s studies in theatre directing at AGRFT, having previously obtained his undergraduate degree in theatre arts (theatre directing) at Middlesex University in London. He honed his skills in the Director’s Cut theatre group at Southwark Playhouse. In recent years, he has worked on numerous projects as a dramaturg, director, or assistant director. Since 2020, he has been leading the international festival FUGA, organized in collaboration with the Koper Theatre, ŠOUP, the Municipality of Koper, and KID PiNA. From 2019 to 2021, he also served as a cultural activities coordinator and children’s program producer at Koper Theatre, as well as coordinator of the Primorska Summer Festival.
Rina Pleteršek, with a master’s degree in dramatic acting from AGRFT, began her studies at the Yekaterinburg State Theatre Institute in Russia, where she earned the title of certified dramatic and film actress and acting pedagogue. She also worked there for three years as curator of the International Theatre Festival "On.Ona.Oni." Over the past year, she explored interdisciplinary practices in theatre and performance through an artistic residency at MZK in Berlin, acting and collaborating on various projects, including Shadows of the Pandemic: At the World’s End.
Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Glej Theatre is the oldest independent theatre in former Yugoslavia. Apart from experimental performing arts they are renowned for their work with the youth. Their programmers are reaching from specialized work with high-school students to promoting and developing emerging professional artists. More information.
HKU University of the Arts Utrecht - HKU is one of the largest universities in Europe, specialized for education in the fields of arts and media. It consists of nine schools, including the one for theatre. More information.
Kadir Has University, Istanbul - Teaching in this university is based on small scale approach, internationalization and interdisciplinary work. University consists of five schools, including one for fine arts. More information.
More about Boundary Crossing
Boundary crossing means reaching across borders. In the pilot project the border crossing takes place between countries and theater practices, as well as the in thinking processes and working methods of each individual theatre maker. The underlying methodology of this pilot project is aimed at enabling the maker to develop their theatre making practice through negotiating multiple contexts. Participants learn to develop and evaluate work from multiple perspectives, work relationships, cultures and roles.
Participants from three countries enter into international and interdisciplinary collaboration. They do this live at the rehearsal space as well as through an online collaboration. Participants in the pilot project are 3 young artists from Slovenia, 5 theater students from Kadir Has university, Istanbul and 5 graduates from HKU school of Theatre, Utrecht.
Each participant in the project takes 3 roles:
- Theatre maker in a group of 5 participants in their own country.
- Co - participant (in a different role) in a country of their choice.
- Feedback provider in the other country.
During the project the work is developed collectively, but there is also room for the development of individual skills through the co-participatory roles. All three participating countries will also be working on a related themes. The three works resulting from this pilot project may possibly form an ongoing dialogue with each other.

Boundary Crossing 2024
Participants from Slovenia
Theatre makers: Ivan Laboda, Rina Pleteršek
Coaches: Barbara Poček in Marko Čeh
Flying expert: Terry Žeželj in Inga Remeta
Boundary Crossing 2023
Participants from Slovenia
Theatre makers: Nina Goropečnik, Katja Markič, Đejmi Hadrović
Coaches: Marko Čeh, Anja Pirnat in Barbara Poček
Flying expert: Inga Remeta
Boundary Crossing 2022
Participants from Slovenia
Theatre makers: Lučka Centa, Urška Preis, Tery Žeželj
Coaches: Anja Pirnat and Marko Čeh
Flying expert: Branko Jordan and Barbara Poček
Participants from Turkey
Theatre makers: Büsra Albayrak, Serhat Gücüm and Robin Krijgsman
Coaches: Zeynep Günsür Yüceil, Ayse Dras and Özlem Hemiş
Participants from Netherlands
Coaches: Ronen Abas, Sanne Jonkers, Henny Dörr, Marcel Dolman, Nirav Christophe
Boundary Crossing 2021
Participants from Slovenia
Theatre makers: Nika Batista, Nina Ramšak Marković and Barbara Ribnikar
Coaches: Branko Jordan and Anja Pirnat
Flying expert: Barbara Poček and Inga Remeta
Participants from Turkey
Theatre makers: Yaren Ozkoca, Gulsah Yigit, Kardelen Koc, Suzan İda von Schmalansee, Aybuke Ozturk
Coaches: Ozlem Hemis, Ozlem Ozhabes, Zeynep Gunsur, Bora Aksu
Participants from Netherlands
Theatre makers: Jorim Kroon, Rick Snelderwaard, Dagmar Ketelaers, Barend van Daal, Yorinde de Ronde
Coaches: Mariella van Apeldoorn, Marcel Dolman, Sanne Jonkers, Ronen Abas
Glej, premiere
Monday, 28 October / at 20h
sound installation
Ivan Laboda, Rina Pleteršek
As part of the Boundary Crossing 2024 programme.