platform for contemporary performing arts
About TRIGGER platform
TRIGGER is a platform for contemporary performative arts. Glej Theatre is developing it with Centre for Creativity, Moment, Bunker Ljubljana, Pekinpah, Mladinsko Theatre and Maska (The New Post Office programme) and City of Women. The main purpose of the platform is to strengthen competences of independent producers and artists, especially in the field of internationalization and international connections.
Platform combines a showcase of performances with potential for the international market, series of discussions, lectures and workshops with curators from international festivals, agents, and specialists for distribution and international cooperation.
Purpose of the platform is therefore to gain specialized knowledge of developing strategies and methodology to distribute, network and internationalize contemporary performative arts.
Platform's objectives:
- improving competitive options for Slovenian artists in the international market
- improving the situation for Slovenian producers of independent performative arts
- improving opportunities for distribution of independent performances on national and international level
- creating a space for skill exchange on fields, that do not have formal or informal opportunities for education and development (professions in production, management and technical support)
- creating and maintaining connections with important European festivals and producers
- promoting Slovenian performers and performances
- long-term influence on diversity of domestic production in relation to exchange of examples of good practice and experiences from abroad
- greater stability of Slovenian producers
Participating producers:
Centre for Creativity
Strategic development:
Glej Theatre
Bunker Ljubljana
City of Women
Mladinsko Theatre and Maska Ljubljana (The New Post Office programme)

Discursive programme is in English with an option of Slovenian translation. Performances are either in English or surtitled in English, unless otherwise stated in the program.
Tuesday, 29 March 2022, Maribor
TRIGGER Pre-programme: Conference on Decentralisation of Arts. Focus: Audience Building
Production: TRIGGER platform; co-production: Centre for Creativity
10:30–11:00 (location: Intimni oder, GT22)
Conference Registration
11:00–11:45 (location: Intimni oder, GT22)
So to Speak: A Cycle of Theatre Essays. Blaž Šef: Five Plans for Microglobalisation // theatre essay // duration: 45 minutes // co-production: The New Post Office (Mladinsko Theatre and Maska) and Moment
History of emergence and decline of The Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT). From nothing to something.
*in Slovenian without English translation
11:45–12:30 (location: Intimni oder, GT22)
Coffee Break
12:30–14:30 (location: Intimni oder, GT22)
Decentralising Audience Building: Lessons and Inspirations // panel discussion // duration: 120 minutes // production: TRIGGER platform; co-production: Centre for Creativity
How do we approach audience building in environments outside centres of power? What are examples of innovative practices from Slovenia and how do we build long term relations through art in our communities? This programme wishes to stimulate discussion between various stakeholders in the Slovenian performing arts landscape.
Welcoming statement: Barbara Poček and Nika Bezeljak (Ljubljana and Maribor TRIGGER team) and Marko Podjavoršek (Centre for Creativity)
Opening note and moderation: Alma R. Selimović (Bunker, Drugajanje, Young Curators Club)
Co-moderation: Nika Bezeljak (Moment, Festival Prestopi/Crossings)
- Tamara Bračič Vidmar (Bunker, The Audience Council)
- Miha Firšt (House of Culture Celje, Ambassador of Culture)
- Anja Koleša (Cultural Centre Kamnik, Creative Quarter Barutana)
- Nina Ukmar (Cultural Centre Kosovelov dom Sežana)
14:30–15:30 (location: Fani&Rozi)
15:30–16:45 (location: Judgement Tower)
Matej Recer, Gregor Zorc: How Did We Get Here? // devised performance // duration: 105 minutes // co-production: Moment and Glej Theatre
How many deaths are needed for us to live?
*in Slovenian without English translation
17:00–18:00 (location: Fani&Rozi)
TRIGGER Registration, Coffee, Snacks and Networking // official TRIGGER kick-off
18:00–19:30 (location: Judgement Tower)
TRIGGER partners: Get to Know Us! // presentation with Q&A // duration: 90 minutes // production: TRIGGER platform; co-production: Centre for Creativity
Get to know the coordinates and context of the Slovenian independent performing art scene through the eyes of TRIGGER producers. Moderated by Tjaša Pureber (Glej Theatre).
20:00–20:45 (location: Intimni oder, GT22)
Zala Ana Štiglic, Zoran Petrovič: Victoria 2.0 // devised performance // duration: 45 minutes // production: Moment; co-production: GT22
Winners are confident. Winners are passionate. Winners never quit. Winners have partners. Winners have sex. Winners win. Performance on the boundaries of reality and illusion.
Wednesday, 30 March 2022, Ljubljana
11:00–12:10 (location: Ljubljana Puppet Theatre)
Nataša Živković, Sara Šabec: Everything Is Alright // devised performance // duration: 70 minutes // production: City of Women, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre
No education without participation! First-hand tales from high school students about the kind of education they want. And deserve. Hey, the kids are alright!
17:00–18.00 (location: Old Power Station)
Matija Ferlin: Sad Sam Lucky // performance // duration: 60 minutes // production: Emanat; co-production: Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, Centre national de la danse, Zagreb Dance Center
Part of a conceptual series Sad Sam. A physical response to the work of the Slovenian avant-garde poet Srečko Kosovel. A highly physical, turbulent and emotional homage.
18:30–19:40 (location: Kino Šiška)
Irena Tomažin, Jule Flierl: U.F.O.: Hommage to Katalin Ladik // devised performance // duration: 70 minutes // production: Irena Z. Tomažin + Jule Flierl; co-production: Sploh Institute, SOPHIENSÆLE, Charleroi Danse Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles, PACT Zollverein
A homage to Katalin Ladik that blurs the boundaries between poetry, acting and experimental voice work, while continuing the two artists’ own research.
Thursday, 31 March 2022, Ljubljana
12.00–14:00 (location: Glej Theatre)
Caspar Nieuwenhuis and Barbara Poček: Let’s Talk About It: Artists and Their Work // moderated discussion with Q&A about performances from 29 and 30 March // duration: 60 minutes // production: TRIGGER platform; co-production: Centre for Creativity
What is the context of the shows you have seen, who are the artists behind them and all the important questions you can think of to ask. Face to face with TRIGGER artists.
14:00–16:00 (location: Glej Theatre)
Geoliane Arab, Urška Brodar, Grzegorz Reske: Decolonising the Aesthetics // panel discussion // duration: 120 minutes // production: TRIGGER platform, co-production: Centre for Creativity
In the past years we are witnessing an increasing importance to speak about our pasts and uncover the effects and biases colonial history has had on our current positions. In this discussion we will try to approach this topic from the point of view of the Eastern vs. Western Europe and the concept of the aesthetic bias and the impact it has on the career of the artists.
At the time when the European Union is offering enormous amounts of space and funding for international collaborations Eastern and Western artists are stepping onto the same terrain, seemingly equal. The context from which Eastern artists are stepping onto that terrain, however, is at best recognised with a sort of patronising orientalism or complete ignorance of the structural conditions in which their art is being created. Those conditions are influencing the produced aesthetics. How do we challenge these processes, positions of privilege, and start decolonising the Arts in this context as well?
16:00–16:45 (location: Glej Theatre)
Lea Kukovičič: FORSALE // artist talk // duration: 45 minutes // production: Bunker
An auction house for theatre performances. The next step in the history of ownership and the future of the ephemeral economy.
18:00–20:00 (location: Glej Theatre)
Mark Požlep, Maxime Berthou: SOUTHWIND // cinematographic essay and artist talk // duration: 120 minutes // production of the essay: Forceps media; production of the upcoming documentary performance: Glej Theatre and SPRING Festival
Paddle steamer, 1712 miles of the Mississippi River and two artists in the heart of colonial land. Practice-based research and performance in the making in co-production with SPRING Festival.
21:00–22:00 (location: Old Power Station)
Beton Ltd.: Große Erwartungen | Great Expectations // devised performance // duration: 60 minutes // production: Bunker
After ecology, transitional/growing‑up loss of illusions, the impotency of resistance, generational angst, time has come for great expectations and the future of those who have everything. To lose.
21:00–22:45 (location: Mladinsko Theatre)
Žiga Divjak: Fever // devised performance // duration: 105 minutes // production: Mladinsko Theatre, steirischer herbst ’21 and Maska
Climate crisis, class society and neoliberal capitalism. Is violence the answer? A performance about the limits of one’s own consciousness and historical responsibility to change the world.
Friday, 1 April 2022, Ljubljana
11:00–12:00 (location: Osmo/za)
Based on the motifs of the play Life Is a Dream by Calderón de la Barca: Finalizem::Fonemi. Directed by Dragan Živadinov // theatre production form // duration: 60 minutes // production: Delak
Life is a dream. Theatre is a medium of baroque illusion. Hail to the theatre spotlight!
14:00–16:00 (location: Art Hotel)
Meet the Artists and Producers // scheduled meetings // production: TRIGGER platform; co-production: Centre for Creativity
Meet, talk and plot with your favorite artists and their producers and plan to conquer the world together! You can schedule individual meetings or ask us to introduce you to someone who sparked your curiosity or have us curate the meeting for you. Let’s find each other.
16:00–16:45 (location: Glej Theatre)
Zala Ana Štiglic, Zoran Petrovič: Victoria 2.0 // devised performance // duration: 45 minutes // production: Moment; co-production: GT22
Winners are confident. Winners are passionate. Winners never quit. Winners have partners. Winners have sex. Winners win. Performance on the boundaries of reality and illusion.
19:00–20:54 (location: Old Power Station)
Matej Kejžar: Movements 9 // performance // duration: 114 minutes // production: Pekinpah; co-production: Matej Kejžar
9 pieces, 9 movements. A “favourite album” as a choreographic frame where dance resonates between proto-knowing, rhythm, musical force, listening and hearing, narration and abstraction.
21:30–23:00 (location: Osmo/za)
Caspar Nieuwenhuis and Barbara Poček: Let’s Talk About It: Artists and Their Work // moderated discussion with Q&A about performances from 31 March and 1 April // duration: 60 minutes // production: TRIGGER platform; co-production: Centre for Creativity
What is the context of the shows you have seen, who are the artists behind them and all the important questions you can think of to ask. Face to face with TRIGGER artists.
Saturday, 2 April 2022, Ljubljana
10:00–14:00 (location: Glej Theatre)
Pippa Bailey: Power and Change // workshop // duration: 240 minutes // production: TRIGGER platform; co-production: Centre for Creativity
Power dynamics in the performing arts are real. And they create hierarchies. What can we do to address them and change the power dynamic towards a more inclusive working environment?

TRIGGER 2022: Announcing the programme!
Maribor and Ljubljana: March 29 - April 2, 2022
We are happy to announce the full programme for this year’s TRIGGER showcase platform of Slovenian independent performing arts. We can’t wait to see you, so take the last chance to apply no later than March 6, 2022!
TRIGGER is a platform for internationalization of contemporary independent performing arts. We are developing TRIGGER in co-production with Centre for Creativity and in partnership with Bunker, Glej Theatre, City of Women, Moment, Pekinpah, Mladinsko Theatre and Maska (Nova pošta programme). Each year the showcase features productions from several other Slovenian producers. This year we will show works produced by Delak, Emanat and Sploh.
The fourth edition of TRIGGER platform is opening the question of the future of international collaboration and artistic distribution under new circumstances, brought about by health, ecological and social crises. Besides the showcase we will also offer an extensive discourse programme, focusing on decolonization of aesthetics.
We are closing applications for TRIGGER 2022 on March 6. We are offering free admission to all events. And tones of art that will TRIGGER your mind.
Ljubljana Airport
Slovenia has one international airport which is situated near Ljubljana. There are several shuttle services operating between Ljubljana and the airport. You can book your transfer online with the selected company.
Nearby airports
Zagreb, Trieste, Venice, Klagenfurt, Graz. Transfers from all the mentioned airports to both cities are available on a regular basis and can be pre-booked through GoOpti.
At Ljubljana's P+R (park-and-ride) facilities, you can leave your vehicle and transfer to a city bus for a journey to the city center. There are several parkings available close to the city center, you can check their prices and availability here.
Train and bus stations in both Ljubljana and Maribor are located in the city center. For domestic travel, see this page.
Ljubljana: Our partner hotel is B&B hotel. Please note that they do not provide parking. If you need to book a hotel with parking, please check: Hotel Mrak, City Hotel, Hotel Lev, Atelier hotel).
Maribor: Our partner hotel in Maribor is hotel Orel. Hostel Uni is located in the same building too.
Most venues are wheelchair accessible, but do not have accessible toilets. If you have special mobility or access requirements please let us know.
As of February 19, 2022, restrictions due to Covid-19 pandemic no longer apply when entering Slovenia. This means that the RVT (recovered/vaccinated/tested) condition no longer has to be met at the border and travelers will no longer be ordered to quarantine at home.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach us on
TRIGGER your passion for new performative aesthetics, inspiring practices and international allyships. Become part of TRIGGER platform. See you in Ljubljana and Maribor soon.
Your TRIGGER team
TRIGGER 2022: Announcing the artists and opening applications
Three days of performances, discussions, artist talks and discovering Slovenian and international trends in performing arts. We are announcing the TRIGGER 2022 application and revealing exciting artists that will open your doors into Slovenian independent performing arts production.
TRIGGER is a platform for internationalization of contemporary independent performing arts. We are developing TRIGGER in co-production with Centre for Creativity and in partnership with Bunker, Glej Theatre, City of Women, Moment, Pekinpah, Mladinsko Theatre and Maska (Nova pošta programme). Each year the showcase features productions from several other Slovenian producers. This year we will show works produced by Delak, Emanat and Sploh.
The fourth edition of TRIGGER platform is opening the question of the future of international collaboration and artistic distribution under new circumstances, brought about by health, ecological and social crises. Besides the showcase we will also offer an extensive discourse programme and a conference, focusing on decolonization of aesthetics.
TRIGGER your passion for new performative aesthetics, inspiring practices and international allyships. Become part of TRIGGER platform.
This year, TRIGGER is bringing you some of the most exciting names in the Slovenian independent performing arts scene. Here is the first glance at our pick.
Beton Ltd.: Grosse Erwartungen / Great expectations I performance (Bunker)
After ecology, transitional/growing‑up loss of illusions, the impotency of resistance, generational angst, time has come for great expectations and the future of those, who have everything. To lose.
Žiga Divjak: Fever I performance (Mladinsko Theatre, steirischer herbst 21' and Maska)
Climate crisis, class society and neoliberal capitalism. Is violence the answer? Performance about the limits of one’s own consciousness and historical responsibility to change the world.
Matija Ferlin: Sad Sam Matthäus I performance (Emanat, Matija Ferlin, Wiener Festwochen, CND Centre national de la danse, Istarsko narodno kazalište – Gradsko kazalište Pula)
Pain. Death. Passion. What happens if the idea of performance outdoes the possibilities of bodily action? Bach’s St. Matthew Passion as a performance for a single performer.
Matej Kejžar: Movements 9 I performance (Pekinpah, Matej Kejžar)
9 pieces, 9 movements. A ‘favourite album’ as a choreographic frame where dance resonates between proto-knowing, rhythm, musical force, listening and hearing, narration and abstraction.
Lea Kukovičič: FORSALE I artist talk (Bunker)
Auction house for theatre performances. Next step in the history of ownership and the future of the ephemeral economy.
Zoran Petrovič: Victora 2.0 I performance (Moment, GT22)
Winners are confident. Winners are passionate. Winners never quit. Winners have partners. Winners have sex. Winners win. Performance on the boundaries of reality and illusion.
Mark Požlep, Maxime Berthou: SOUTHWIND I cinematographic essay and artist talk (Glej Theatre)
Paddle steamer, 1712 miles of the Mississippi River and two artists in the heart of colonial land. Practice-based research and performance in the making in co-production with SPRING Festival.
Irena Tomažin, Jule Flierl: U.F.O. I performance (Irena Z. Tomažin + Jule Flierl, SOPHIENSÆLE, Zavod Sploh, Charleroi Danse Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles, PACT Zollverein)
A homage to Katalin Ladik that blurs the boundaries between poetry, acting and experimental voice work, while continuing the two artists' own research.
Dragan Živadinov: Finalizem::Fonemi I theatre production form (Delak)
Life is a dream. Theatre is a medium of baroque illusion. Hail to the theatre spotlight!
Nataša Živković, Sara Šabec: Everything is Alright I performance (City of Women, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre)
No education without participation! First hand tales from high school students about the kind of education they want. And deserve. Hey, the kids are alright!
March 29, 2022: Maribor I pre-event
Conference about decentralization of art. Followed by Matej Recer, Gregor Zorc: How did we get here? I performance (Moment, Glej Theatre)
How many deaths are needed for us to live?
March 30, 2022: Maribor, Ljubljana I TRIGGER full day 1
TRIGGER opening I Conference on de-colonization of aesthetics I Showcase performances
March 31, 2022: Ljubljana I TRIGGER full day 2
Introduction to Slovenian independent performing arts scene, including recent budget cuts by the Ministry of Culture I Meet the producers I Showcase performances I Meet the artists
April 1, 2022: Ljubljana I TRIGGER full day 3
Showcase performances I Meet the artists I TRIGGER closing
Detailed programme will follow soon.
We are opening applications for TRIGGER 2022. TRIGGER will happen in Maribor and Ljubljana between March 30 and April 1, 2022. If you want to join us, please fill this application form as soon as you can, but not later than March 1, 2022.
We are offering free admission to all events, a limited number of subsidized rooms and a limited amount of travel support. And tones of art that will TRIGGER your mind.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach us on
Great. So are we. See you in Ljubljana and Maribor soon.
Your TRIGGER team

Save the date for TRIGGER 2022: March 30 - April 1
Three days of performances, discussions, talks and discovering Slovenian and international trends in performance arts. We are proudly announcing TRIGGER 2022 with its selection of Slovenian independent performance arts production. TRIGGER will happen in Maribor and Ljubljana between March 30 and April 1, 2022.
TRIGGER is a platform for internationalization of contemporary independent performing arts. We are developing TRIGGER in partnership with Bunker, City of Women, Moment, Pekinpah, Mladinsko Theatre and Maska (Nova pošta programme).
TRIGGER is building the competencies of independent producers and artists in the field of internationalization and international connections. Platform consists of two main parts. First one is the showcase of local artistic productions with potential for international touring, shown to international programmers.
Platform also has a diverse discourse programme where both domestic and international guests challenge the existing and search for new models of international and local cooperation. At the same time we contextualize performing practices and build a network for their decentralization. We support new opportunities for networking between local and international producers through artistic workshops and workshops with curators, agents and specialists for distribution and international cooperation. TRIGGER thus works both locally and regionally.
Fourth edition of TRIGGER platform is opening the question of the future of international collaboration and artistic distribution under new circumstances, brought about by health, ecological and social crises. We will particularly focus on the decolonization of aesthetics. Detailed programme will follow soon.
TRIGGER your passion for new performative aesthetics, inspiring practices and international allyships. Become part of TRIGGER platform. More information:
TRIGGER 2022 is a part of a partnership network Platform Center for Creativity. Platform Center for Creativity is co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund and by Republic of Slovenia.

TRIGGER platform is also supported by Ministry of Culture and Municipality of Ljubljana.