devised performance / Generation to Generation
»It is February 20th 2074 and I've been dead for years!«

About the show
If there’s someone who invests most of his or her time, will, work and energy into the future, it has to be the teenager. Children live in the present, the here and now, in games and growing up. Adults live from paycheck to paycheck, vacation to vacation. The elderly tend to escape into the past. The teenager invests all his work into the future. He goes to school for the future. He builds friendships for the future. He gathers experience – for the future? Whose? What will it be?
Idea and concept, performers: Tina Malenšek, Almedin Kajtazović, Karin Oražem, Nina Žerdin
Mentor: Jure Novak
Light design and technical support: Martin Lovšin, Grega Mohorčič
Photographer: Borut Bučinel
Executive producer: Inga Remeta
Production: Glej Theatre
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.