student devised performance / Lana Fajfer, Zala Potočnik, Blažka Pristovnik, Domen Puš, Nika Simonič, Tin Šoškič, Vladoša Vidic, Lara Višnjevec


23. March 2025 / 20h / Gledališče Glej /

v okviru festivala ŠtudenTeater 10.0


About the Performance

When does "I" end and "We" begin? Is this boundary clearer or more blurred in modern society than in the past? Can an individual even exist alone? The performance is built as a collage of scenes based on associative dramaturgy. It explores interpersonal dynamics, including the relationship between the audience and the performers. We cannot exist without one another, yet the presence of another person is not always pleasant. Or perhaps the opposite is true—perhaps the absence of another is even worse.

The performance is an intrusion into our intimacy, inviting you to reflect on your own.


Creators and Performers: Lana Fajfer, Zala Potočnik, Blažka Pristovnik, Domen Puš, Nika Simonič, Tin Šoškič, Vladoša Vidic, Lara Višnjevec
Mentor: Katja Markič
Production: Glej Theatre

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