student devised performance / Elis Seyto, Mija Šuštar, Jure Mikec, Katarina Kolar


22. March 2025 / 20h / Gledališče Glej /

v okviru festivala ŠtudenTeater 10.0


About the performance

There are reasons that make you get up in the morning and want to live. Why do you want to live? What is the meaning? What inspires you? If you believe the future will be better, the day will be bright. We are the magicians of the 21st century. Nothing should hold us back. If something is important enough, it is always worth trying—even if failure is one of the possible outcomes. Every ordinary mortal can also be magnificent.



Creators and Performers: Elis Seyto, Mija Šuštar, Jure Mikec, Katarina Kolar
Mentor: Dorian Šilec Petek
Production: Glej Theatre
Special Thanks to: Ian Kesar

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