student devised performance / Ajda Rihtar, Larisa Varga, Veronika Vesel, Ana Jerina, Karolina Pirc
About the performance
Do you ever wish you could turn back time? To taste pistachio ice cream in Trieste for the first time, to pet an alpaca for the first time, to slide down a waterslide for the first time, to watch fireworks for the first time, or to meet your loved one for the first time—all over again?
In the play Womanshatter, we peel, chop, sauté, grate, and flambé romantic relationships, then serve them raw—perhaps just slightly spicy. We present them exactly as we feel them: without embellishments, without pretense, and with a full dose of infatuated delusions.
That’s just how they are. At least at the very beginning. And that’s where we return.
Creators and Performers: Ajda Rihtar, Larisa Varga, Veronika Vesel, Ana Jerina, Karolina Pirc
Mentor: Klara Kastelec
Production: Glej Theatre

v okviru festivala ŠtudenTeater 10.0