youth devised performance / 4ID

About the performance
Red drowning, drowning in one's period, blood - the most natural life liquid, the liquid of all liquids, a liquid of the past, future and present. The liquid of reality.
Young performers in Red drowning create their own cosmos of fragmented redness of every human being. By drowning themselves into the movement they create new beginnings and a new world with which the reflect the present one. Consequences are unpredictable, sometimes unwanted. They cleverly transform everyday stories and connect them despite the seeming incompatibility into decadent fiction that can easily be mistaken for reality. By drowning into their emotion and new dimensions of the claustrophobic contemporary world, we all experience unimagined hopelessness, drowning into our own blood.
Drowning is a new beginning. But, is a beginning only beginning of the end? Is there a point in continuing to accept all the contradictions? Have we accepted for a reality what we once feared as a future?
Performance: Petruša Koželj, Karin Oražem, Amadea Pristavec, Petja Rozman, Matic Smolič
Mentors: Leja Jurišić, Maja Šorli
Photographer: Neža Oblak
Costume designer: Mateja Čibej
Light designer and technical support: Valter Udovičić
Executive producer: Inga Remeta
Producer: Gledališče Glej
Thanks: Lana Derenda Zonta, Lana Gerželj Bizjak, Brina Predalič, Timeja Liplin Šerbetar, Ivan Vastl, Filip Žunić
This project has been co-funded with support from the European Commission, Erasmus+ programme.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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