Resilience Festival #soteskaopen 2023
The Soteska Cultural Quarter is organising the #soteskaopen Resilience Festival every early summer. During this time, everything possible comes to life on Gregorčičeva, Slovenske, Rimska and Vegova streets.
The all-day events are enriched by performances, concerts, exhibitions, talks and workshops for all ages.
Join us in 2023 from Thursday to Sunday, 1 to 4 June, in the Soteska Cultural Quarter!
The festival revitalises hidden courtyards, creates intimate venues, transforms streets from transit to gathering spaces and offers cutting-edge theoretical, artistic and community events. The full-day programme includes theatre performances, music evenings, creative workshops and more. The festival has its roots in the Soteska Cultural Quarter, which brings together culture, catering, tourism and craftspeople in the centre of Ljubljana. The first editions of the festival were held during the epidemic and, as a community response, opened up outdoor and intimate venues at a time when it was practically impossible to hold cultural events inside.
After years of sporadic collaborations, at the beginning of 2019, the Soteska Cultural Quarter brought together actors working in and around Gregorčičeva Street in the centre of Ljubljana. We want to bring life to the Soteska through the creation of community programmes, transforming it from a transit street into a community destination, united by diverse cultural activities, beautiful café and gastronomic ambiences, and cosy accommodation.
More: Soteska Cultural Quarter
Resilience Festival #soteskaopen 2023
1 - 4 June
performances I concerts I workshops I exhibitions I talks
Soteska Cultural Quarter
25 May at 17h / Glej Theatre
Peek into Soteska Cultural Quarter
Guided tour through the cultural quarter
Supported by