Glej Theatre is part of PARL from 2019 to 2021.

Invitation to participate
PARL - Performance Art Research Ljubljana, in which we participate as producers, invites performance art makers and groups to join 10 days research and development program in Ljubljana from 31 August –9 September 2020.
The program is open for performance art, devised theater, contemporary dance, intermedia projects and hybrid forms. PARL provides every participant a studio space and presentation venue.
PARL joins various creative practices, working methods and production models of leading Ljubljana based performance artists and producers. The course of work is focused on development of creative processes and research of performative strategies with daily feedback and training, three-day seminar, and workshops.
If you are a performance art maker and you need space and time to research, an environment to develop your project, an opportunity to present your work and to open up your collaborative network – welcome to PARL.
Application deadline: 15 February 2020. More information on this link.