About the project
Glej Theatre is perceiving the youth as a key element in the co-creation of its programmes and in the creation of its long-term existence by actively engaging with young people. The artistic council of Glej Theatre recognises young people as relevant interlocutors and gives equal importance to the demands, opinions and discussion they demonstrate through their participation. The project aims to provide a dedicated, informal and international training to a group of young people who will also form a key role in the implementation and evaluation of the project.
Glej thinks of youth involvement through an open, as we want to keep accessibility and the possibility of participation and involvement very open and flexible also for those young people who have fewer opportunities for participation in their lives due to any social or economic constraints. In the few generations of young people we work with, a small group of youth representatives has already been formed, which has become the "working machine" of Glej Theatre and a relevant link in the chain when it comes to programmatic and contextual considerations of the youth programme guidelines.
Glej Theatre, Ljubljana - Glej Theatre is the oldest independent theatre in former Yugoslavia. Apart from experimental performing arts they are renowned for their work with the youth. Their programmers are reaching from specialized work with high-school students to promoting and developing emerging professional artists. More information.
HKU University of the Arts Utrecht - HKU is one of the largest universities in Europe, specialized for education in the fields of arts and media. It consists of nine schools, including the one for theatre. More information.
Kadir Has University, Istanbul - Teaching in this university is based on small scale approach, internationalization and interdisciplinary work. University consists of five schools, including one for fine arts. More information.
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