international residency / Crushing Borders
»Vulnerability as a trigger.«

About the collective
Fundación Mis Bragas is an alliance between two women that comes from their bodies.
From the intimacy of their bodies they imagine themselves in the center of the speech, no longer occupied by the paradigmatic white heterosexual man. They imagine that they are not "the Other".
They wish to attend to the eloquence of these bodies, committed to a sincere exercise of occupation. Occupation of the space from their own bodies, not any others.
Upon the experiences of these, and only these, they construct the narration: a cyclical and bloody experience. They speak from there and not elsewhere.
Picturing for a moment that we are not the alterity, the otherness, the feminine version of men: the lacking, deprived, castrated version of humanity. We welcome this experience and legitimize it through the occupation of the scene and the world from the uterus. From the uterus we perceive this world and we get pierced by it.
We attempt to feel the world as a less foreign place, we need to inhabit our body, sing our body, dance our body. We need to occupy our body as a place of resistance, of pinkness, of flowered dresses, of tits in the air, of panties, of bling-bling.
The "Bragas"
Andrea Marinel-lo Lamiel studied physical theatre at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona after studying musical theatre at AMTA in London. In 2012 she joined the vocal group DeuDeVeu with whom she recorded the CD ‘Junts’, and performed at the Teatro Coliseum in Barcelona, La Pedrera and tours around Catalonia. In 2011 she joined the theatre company LAminimAL in which she participated as an actress and singer in ‘La Grandesa d’Ésser un Entre Tants’, ‘El Suïcidi de l’Elefant Hipotecat’, and ‘Apocalypse Uploaded’, performing in a large number of theatres such as Escenari Brossa, Àtic 22, Sala Atrium, BArts CLub and Fira Tàrrega. With the company she carries out training workshops and investigation laboratories around the SMR (minimalist repetitive systems).
Gaia Bautista Jugovic studied Visual and Performing Arts at the IUAV University of Venice. Later she studied physical theatre at the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona. She graduated with her piece ‘Ojalá el Verano’ which was later programmed by La Pedrera in the Ciclo Nuevas Escenas (2019). She collaborated with Fundación Agrupación Colectiva as a movement assistant and assistant director in ‘My Low Cost Revolution’ (Sala Atrium 2018) and performed in 'Protocolos de Acción frente a lo Desconocido' (TNT 2019). Gaia participated as an assistant director in a large number of projects like 'Converses amb el meu úter i altres interlocutors', by Núria Planes Llull (Antic Teatre 2019), ‘De Una en Una’ by Barbara Cappi (Fira de Tarrega 2020), ‘Jose y la Barcelona Disidente’ project in residence at Teatre Lliure by La Línea (2020).
About Ljubljana residency
The aim of Fundación Mis Bragas on Ljubljana residency is to create artistic material based on the work with a group of teenagers. Their intention is to work around their own issues; using the word, concept and attitude of "vulnerability" as a trigger to do so.
a. Discover what these issues are using a previous survey or virtual meeting and then sharing and developing these topics altogether.
b. Look into the topics using therapeutic and artistic techniques such as writing, music, dialogue, dance...
c. Develop and carry out a physical training that establishes a common and artistic language.
d. Do a (re)presentation of this personal and intimate material once it has become something of artistic and collective interest.
Residency is conducted in partnership with Nau Ivanow (Barcelona) within international network Crushing Borders.
About the Crushing Borders network
The Crushing Borders network’s main concern is giving artists enough time and space for creation with no pressure towards production. It is a space dedicated to sharing knowledge and practices between emerging artists, creating strong bonds between them and the territories in which they work.
Gledališče Glej (Ljubljana)
Nau Ivanow (Barcelona)
Residenza Idra (Brescia)
SÍN Arts Center (Budapest)
Spring Utrecht (Utrecht)
Schloss Bröllin (Fahrenwalde)