conference within TRIGGER 2022 platform

We are happy to invite you to a second conference on decentralization of culture that will happen within TRIGGER 2022 platform for internationalisation of performing arts. This year’s focus is audience building.
How do we approach audience building in environments outside centres of power? What are the obstacles faced by stakeholders in culture? What are examples of innovative practices from Slovenia and how do we build long term relations through art in our communities?
Conference will gather the pioneers of innovative practices of audience development from different cities around Slovenia and is aiming to encourage the debate between different stake-holders on the performing arts scene. Because we know that decentralization will not happen by itself. And is a necessary precondition for a greater inclusion of different audiences.
You can apply here until Sunday, March 27.
We are looking forward to see you in Maribor.
TRIGGER platform team
TRIGGER Pre-programme: Conference on Decentralisation of Arts. Focus: Audience Building
Production: TRIGGER platform; co-production: Centre for Creativity
10:30–11:00 (location: Intimni oder, GT22)
Conference Registration
11:00–11:45 (location: Intimni oder, GT22)
So to Speak: A Cycle of Theatre Essays. Blaž Šef: Five Plans for Microglobalisation // theatre essay // duration: 45 minutes // co-production: The New Post Office (Mladinsko Theatre and Maska) and Moment
History of emergence and decline of The Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies (KSEVT). From nothing to something.
*in Slovenian without English translation
11:45–12:30 (location: Intimni oder, GT22)
Coffee Break
12:30–14:30 (location: Intimni oder, GT22)
Decentralising Audience Building: Lessons and Inspirations // panel discussion // duration: 120 minutes // production: TRIGGER platform; co-production: Centre for Creativity
How do we approach audience building in environments outside centres of power? What are examples of innovative practices from Slovenia and how do we build long term relations through art in our communities? This programme wishes to stimulate discussion between various stakeholders in the Slovenian performing arts landscape.
Welcoming statement: Barbara Poček and Nika Bezeljak (Ljubljana and Maribor TRIGGER team) and Marko Podjavoršek (Centre for Creativity)
Opening note and moderation: Alma R. Selimović (Bunker, Drugajanje, Young Curators Club)
Co-moderation: Nika Bezeljak (Moment, Festival Prestopi/Crossings)
- Tamara Bračič Vidmar (Bunker, The Audience Council)
- Miha Firšt (House of Culture Celje, Ambassador of Culture)
- Anja Koleša (Cultural Centre Kamnik, Creative Quarter Barutana)
- Nina Ukmar (Cultural Centre Kosovelov dom Sežana)
14:30–15:30 (location: Fani&Rozi)
15:30–16:45 (location: Judgement Tower)
Matej Recer, Gregor Zorc: How Did We Get Here? // devised performance // duration: 105 minutes // co-production: Moment and Glej Theatre
How many deaths are needed for us to live?
*in Slovenian without English translation
More about TRIGGER 2022 platform
TRIGGER is a platform for contemporary performing arts. Glej Theatre is developing it with Centre for Creativity, Bunker, City of Women, Moment, Pekinpah, Mladinsko Theatre and Maska (The New Post Office programme). The main purpose of the platform is to strengthen competences of independent producers and artists, especially in the field of internationalisation and international connections. The platform combines a showcase of performances with potential for the international market, series of discussions, lectures and workshops with curators from international festivals, agents, and specialists for distribution and international cooperation. The purpose of the platform is therefore to gain specialised knowledge of developing strategies and methodology to distribute, network and internationalise contemporary performing arts.
Participating producers
Co-producer: Centre for Creativity
Strategic development: Glej Theatre, Bunker, City of Women, Moment, Pekinpah, Mladinsko Theatre and Maska (The New Post Office programme)
TRIGGER 2022 project partners:
Delak, Emanat, Sploh
TRIGGER 2022 is a part of a partnership network Platform Center for Creativity. Platform Center for Creativity is co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and by the Republic of Slovenia.

TRIGGER 2022 platform is also co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Municipality of Ljubljana and Municipality of Maribor.