dance performance / PTL, Ukrep & Svetlobna gverila

About the performance
Burn Time is a performance/ installation for up to 16 bodies were the choreography unfolds from the gesture of burning threads. The space is dark and defined by an installation of hanging cotton threads. Gradually - one after the other and sometimes several at the same time - will be set alight, creating a languorous space of incessantly changing and fading. The performers are focused on the flames, the light that illuminates parts of their body. Everything is reduced to a slow and profound pace, influencing the way the audience behaves and moves through the space. When they come in, from the outside – with the pace of they’re lives – they should feel that what’s happening inside is something else, something with other tempo, a sort of meditative state. In a time of ongoing existential and distracting wars between being in the present and future projections, “Burn Time” is a sort of obligation to acknowledge the moment and to indulge into the here and now.
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Koncept in režija / Concept & Artistic Direction: André Uerba
Dramaturški nasveti / Dramaturgical Advice: Thomas Schaupp
Umetniška asistenca / Artistic Assistant: Jorge Rodolfo de Hoyos
Nastopajo / Performers: Jan Rozman, Katarina Barbara Kavčič, Evin Hadžialjević + 10 lokalnih
izvajalcev izbranih naknadno/ 10 local performers selected at the open call
Instalacije, oblikovanje svetlobe in zvoka / Sculptures, Light Design & Sound: André Uerba
Produkcija / Produced by: SHORT.HOPE
Soprodukcija / Co- Produced by: Plesni Teater Ljubljana / Festival Ukrep 2018: ENTER, , Walk & Talk Festival (PT)
So-organizatorji v SLO / Co-organizers in SLO: Festival Svetlobna Gverila / Forum Ljubljana, Gledališče Glej
Kreativni producent v SLO / Creative Producer in Slovenia: Katja Somrak
Rezidence / Residency Support: O Espaço do Tempo (PT), PACT Zollverein (Essen), Tanzfabrik (Berlin)
Zahvale / Thanks to: Alejandro Karasik, Anna Posch, Bárbara Torres, Catarina Saraiva, Cathy Walsh,
Clément Layes, Emily Jeffries, Jasna Layes Vinovrski, Juan Felipe Amaya, Julia Rodriguez, Ligia
Soares, Maddy White, Marc P. Gabriel, Mauricia B. Neves, Olivia McGregor, Pia Kramer, Reza
Mirabi, Rui Horta, Tiago Barbosa, Vasco Mosa, Inga Remeta, Katarina Mirović
Burn Time was made possible with the support of the Kulturverwaltung des Berliner Senats