student devised performance /Tia Rozman, Ajda Opara, Ajka Poljanšek Zorn, Brigita Ravnik Zalokar, Fedja Boldyrev


10. March 2024 /Skladovnica, Beethovnova 5 /


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About the performance

Youth against suffering. Fantasy versus love. Perfectionism versus burnout. Community against disintegration. Captivity versus freedom. The self against the self. Self: I is the unstoppable struggle of the individual against the self. It creates wars that happen here and now. Through discomfort, tension and daydreaming, it paints an atmosphere of chaos of the human mind, into which the creators invite the spectator. The performance is an actualization of the current state of war, while focusing all the time on the individual and his war in the world. We are thus faced with the battlefield of the eternal need to confront our being and to clarify what we are and what we are not. The show conveys the message that in the end we are always our own worst enemy.


Authors: Tia Rozman, Ajda Opara, Ajka Poljanšek Zorn, Brigita Ravnik Zalokar, Fedja Boldyrev, Liza Podjavoršek
Performers: Tia Rozman, Ajda Opara, Ajka Poljanšek Zorn, Fedja Boldyrev
Mentor: Rok Kravanja, Vid Klemenc
Creative process consultant : Tai Djurišič
Production: Glej Theater